Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 5, 2014

New Wave & pink whale

There is a bit of a story to this mani , so bear with me ... Last weekend I went to the center looking for J Crew socks . I obviously have a thing for all funny , because I 've seen them on a previous trip and resist buying them , and really regret it . Fortunately for me , I had to go back in time and have been selling shark socks .

On the same trip to the mall , I innocently walked into Sephora just looking to get some more concealer , when I spotted a lonely bottle of limited edition Marc Jacobs New Wave . However , there were fifty billion people in line so I resigned only get concealer at the drugstore . I did very well , but unfortunately Sephora is right by the exit of the shopping center ... So polished - my store better about my self and on the way out I went back to just check if it's still there ... And that is ... And no line of products ...

Of course I had to put on Marc Jacobs polish when I go home ; two coats for perfect opacity . What a cream navy absolutely gorgeous ! I want to add a little something to the base , and I could not resist copying whales from all my lovely ! The little guy is generous with LACC in 1950 and a bit of white acrylic paint . All nails are topped with SECHE Vite , as usual .

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